Now’s the time of year when we ask you to renew your annual membership, and seek pledges of financial support from those in a position to give it.
“When we join in relationship with others, we bring our individual selves and unique gifts, and at the same time are required to engage with humility and a sense of awareness that we trade some of what we want in order to be part of a larger whole.” (Adam Slate, Minister-elect)
Our membership drive party is on Saturday evening from 5pm to 6.30pm. There will be refreshments and snacks and singing led by Jen. If you haven’t gone online and filled out the form to join as a New Unity member for the coming year, or want to let us know what you plan to donate for the coming church year so we can plan a better budget, please do so and then come celebrate next Saturday. Everyone’s welcome whether you’ve decided to join or pledge support or neither. And we could still use a couple of volunteers on the day so let Adam know if you’re interested: