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Mindful Mondays

LOCATION: Mary Wollstonecraft room, Newington Green Meeting House, N16 9PR (fully accessible, with lift)

Join either in person at New Unity @ Newington Green or on Zoom. 

Feel free to invite anyone else you think might be interested in mindfulness meditation. All are welcome!

Zoom: This is a hybrid meeting (online and in-person). To attend online use this Zoom link - please do not share this link with anyone. Meeting ID: 834 0449 2809.

Please arrive early as you would to an in-person meeting, preparing your space and ensuring you won't be disturbed. Please wait by the front door if it is locked. Someone will let you in shortly before 1pm. 

Whether you come every session, have only attended once, never before or not in a long time: you are welcome! Suitable for beginners and all levels of meditators.

This 20min mediation is offered for free. Please consider making a small donation in-person or here. Every little bit helps. Proceeds are shared equally between New Unity and the facilitator. 

Fortnightly Spring 2025 dates - please add to your diary:

March 24th