Our regular Sunday Gathering. An opportunity for wisdom, joy, solace, and community – followed by a healthy dose of caffeine, cake, and conversation.
Gatherings include live music, a story for children, singing, poetry and literature, a talk from our minister, and time for sharing joys and sorrows.
The theme of this week's Gathering is 'Happiness: Wanting What We've Got'. It's tempting to go through life wanting and craving what we don't have. This is certainly encouraged by our culture. But how much better would it be to really and truly appreciate what we do have? Gratitude is a way-of-being with deep appreciation. It doesn't need to be gratitude *to* anyone, and it's not about good manners. Nurturing gratitude is known to be one of the surest ways for happiness to increase. We'll explore the connection between gratitude and happiness and do some celebrating of our lives and our world...just as they are.