Our regular Sunday Gathering. An opportunity for wisdom, joy, solace, and community – followed by a healthy dose of caffeine, cake, and conversation.
Gatherings include live music, a story for children, singing, poetry and literature, a talk from our minister, and time for sharing joys and sorrows.
The theme of this week's Gathering is 'Love, Desire & Community'.
The message will be given by New Unity member Lindsay River, an activist on LGBT rights since 1972. Before she retired Lindsay was well known as the Director of Polari, which researched and campaigned for older LGBT people's wellbeing. In this LGBTQ+ History Month she will continue our 3 month exploration of labels, looking at some of the implications of the labels we use for sexual orientation and also, topically, gender identity. She'll expand on the common need amongst minorities, throughout the life-course, for a supportive community of peers, and also, for some LGBTQI people, for healing from past rejection, and a spiritual community.