Welcome to New Unity - a radically inclusive community of love and justice.
Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, whatever you look like, whoever you love, and however you identify – you are welcome here.
New Unity is a radically inclusive community dedicated to love and justice.
We aim to build a fairer and kinder world through an extensive programme of ministry, events, projects and social justice work. We welcome all people of all backgrounds, sexualities, ages and abilities – and we nurture a supportive, caring and welcoming community.
As one congregant said: “It is so awesome how you/NU can mobilise the best of religious traditions without getting caught up in the worst aspects of them.”
What’s on?
See the full list of what congregation events are on at NU here. Find out more about our new arts programme, and book tickets, here.
Monday 17th March
2.30pm: life painting class, NGMH. Book here
6.30pm: life drawing class, NGMH. Book here
6.30pm: North London Unitarian Men’s Circle. More info here
Tuesday 18th March
7.30pm: Kundalini therapeutics with Frida, NGMH. Book here
Wednesday 19th March
6pm/7pm: pilates with Laura, NGMH. Book here
7.30pm: Sing in the Spring fundraising concert, NGMH. Book here
Thursday 20th March
12pm: Hackney Dudes, NGMH. Email for more info
12pm - 6pm: NGMH open to the public
7.30pm: NU congregation choir rehearsal, NGMH. Email for more info
Friday 21st March
12pm - 6pm: NGMH open to the public
Saturday 22nd March
10am: Xenia women’s group, NGMH. Email for more info
All day/evening: Lea Morris music workshop and concert, both locations. Info here
Sunday 23rd March 11am: Sunday Gathering, NGMH
11am: Kids’ Club, NGMH. Email for more info
11am: Islington Community Choir, Upper Street. Email for more info
Donate to the foodbank collection on Thursdays and Fridays between 12pm and 6pm, or at Sunday morning gatherings.
Visit our iconic Newington Green Meeting House between 12pm and 6pm on Thursdays and Fridays.
Happening on Sunday 23rd March…
Join at 11am - either online at this link (there is a short registration) or in person at the Newington Green Meeting House, 39a Newington Green, London, N16 9PR.
”Pay Attention to Power” - Adam Slate, Minister-elect
Power is all around us, influenced and supported by things like the money we spend, the votes we cast, the media we ingest, and the social influencers we follow. By paying attention to where power resides and how it manifests itself, and making decisions accordingly, we can use our own power to effect change in positive ways.
Attend in-person or on Zoom. Kids will join in the sanctuary and leave for their programme after the opening welcome and first hymn. See you there!